The Holy Spirit - God's Spirit
E-book and Audio series
PART 2 - The Roles and Activities of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 41 - The Spirit Today - a Guide Pt. 2 (not uploaded yet - coming soon) |
Chapter 40 - The Spirit Today - a Guide - Pt. 1
Summary: Considering the role of the Holy Spirit as a guide in the life of the believer today.
Study notes for this audio:
(Note: This is just a summary of the points covered. There is greater detail in the audio message).
No.40 The Holy Spirit Today - a Guide - Pt.1
The last few studies, we have been considering some of the roles of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer today. So far, we’ve looked at the roles of the Spirit being an Enabler and a Revealer of Truth. In the previous study, regarding His work of revealing, we spent some time looking at various portions of Scripture, but especially 1 Corinthians chapter 2, where we saw some important principles about the Spirit’s work of revealing the God’s truth:
(1) v.11 – no one knows the things/thoughts of God except the Spirit of God, who dwells within us (v.12); and
(2) v.14 – the things of God are spiritually discerned/understood – not merely by limited human reasoning alone.
In this study, I’d like us to focus on another of the main roles of the Holy Spirit – that of being a Guide to the believer.
Let’s start by reminding ourselves of a role that Christ had when He walked the earth.
READ John 14:1-6 … 16-18 paraclete
After His ascension, the Spirit was given - a Paraclete (and all which that entails)
Note John 14:16 – “another” paraclete. Christ Himself fulfilled these roles when with them, and then was going to send "another" paraclete. The disciples (the twelve, and others) looked to Him for guidance, comfort, counsel, help, etc.
A reminder of the word Paraclete; this is a word and a role that encompasses a broad range of meanings. Note the variance in translations:
KJV, ASV– Comforter; NIV 2011 – Advocate; Amplified Bible – adds a few extra words - Intercessor, Strengthener
NKJV – Helper; RSV, NIV 1984 – Counsellor
“Parakletos” includes all those ideas of a comforter, an advocate, an intercessor (one who speaks on another person’s behalf), and also includes ideas of being an advisor, an encourager. However we are currently focussing our thoughts on the aspect of the Holy Spirit being a helper, and a counsellor (one who offers counsel, or advice). (as per NKJV and NIV translations of 14:16)
Going back further and thinking about how God guided His people in earlier times, in the OT, God showed people His will and guided them in a variety of ways:
- sometimes guidance came directly from God as He appeared in a human form
- sometimes appeared to people in visions
- sometimes by angels (messengers)
- in the wilderness the pillar of cloud guided the people towards the promised land
- sometimes via urim and thummim (two stones used in making 50/50 or yes/no decisions), like drawing lots
- most commonly, though, His will was made known via prophets, and through the written word of God, given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. On occasions, God's will was even made known via direct guidance of the Holy Spirit, especially upon the leaders of the nation, such as King David and King Saul, but even they were guided in their lifetime by prophets such as Samuel, Gad and Nathan as well.
Read Deuteronomy 4:5-10
(v.7 – NIV “gods”. Probably a better translation here than “God”)
The people are about to enter the promised land. Moses, under the inspiration of the Spirit, delivers his final address specific to that generation.
The people had the written word of the Law to guide them. In that context we read how their God was near and would be there with them, and listen to their requests.
Let’s see a similar passage in Philippians ch 4
READ Philippians 4:5b-7 - a later epistle of Paul
This passage mentions some of what we just read in Deuteronomy 4. Our God is near; we may pray for anything, as the Israelites of old were able to ask for anything.
In Deuteronomy 4:5,6 the premise is that the people needed to observe the Scriptures. Would God ever have granted the requests of the people if the request was contrary to His revealed word? No, and it is the same today.
Often people pray for things and ask for guidance in ways that are contrary to what is revealed truth for this dispensation. Eg, demanding miracles be done, quoting the Scripture from John 14:13 –“If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” – a prayer that was applicable to the 12 disciples in the Acts Period, not the Christian of today.
Likewise, well-meaning believers often look at the ways God revealed His will to people in the OT and, thinking that He will provide guidance in the same way today. Let us remember that:
(1) overt workings of the Spirit went hand in hand with God’s dealing with Israel;
(2) those miraculous forms of guidance were mainly to do with the outworking of God’s plans on a national level, ie, for His nation Israel, not at a merely individual level.
Now that the nation of Israel no longer has that special position, the overt signs of guidance have also ceased (at the very least, they are not the normal mode of operation, anyway – who are we to restrict God?)
In essence, in terms of God’s guidance today, there are:
- no more appearances to people in visions (cp. Numbers 12:6 If there be a prophet among you – i.e Israel -, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.)
- no more appearances by angels (spiritual messengers)
- anything like a pillar of cloud, showing us where God would have us live, for example
- spiritual guidance via the drawing of lots or the consulting the urim and thummim
- no more prophets speaking the inspired Word of God not previously revealed.
However, like the people of OT times, we do have the written word of God, originally given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Essentially, from Moses' time onwards, people had the written word of God to guide them - and we still have it, and we are told to consult it.
The Scriptures were given through the Holy Spirit, thus should be our primary guide. Any extra guidance we may receive from the Holy Spirit today will always be in accordance with the Scriptures - a set of guidelines already available to us.
Note also Deuteronomy 4:9,10 –
v.9 - diligently keep … and teach them – ie the law at work
v.10 – emphasis on “My words”
Compare this with 2 Timothy 3:14-17
v.15 – learned from childhood from mother and grandmother (2 Tim 1:5 - Eunice and Lois)
cp Deuteronomy 4:9 – teach them to your children and your grandchildren
v.16,17 We already have the scriptures for much of the guidance we need.
In fact, from Moses' time onwards, the people had a written guide on how to conduct their daily walk before God. Do we ourselves use the Scriptures this way?
Having the Scriptures and not using them as a guide, is a bit like when Christ walked the earth. At that time, He performed miracles and signs. The Pharisees, etc. rejected Him, and then asked for signs, which were then not given.
Matt 15:29-31 the Lord healed great multitudes
Matt 15:32-39 the feeding of the 4000
Next verse - Matt 16:1-4 Pharisees and Sadducees - "show us a sign"
"no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah (a ref to his death and resurrection)"
I.e. - you've already been given signs but you didn't believe
The point is, we already have the written guidance. Do we actually use it to learn God's will, or do we just say “I believe the Bible”, but not consult it and still say “I need a sign from God”?
This idea of how we are to be guided by the Scriptures comes up a few times
READ Deuteronomy 29:29 – “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law”.
In addition to the sacrificial laws re the tabernacle and priesthood, there were many instructions that were to provide guidance for everyday life … most of which are actually quite consistent with what we read in the later epistles of Paul:
- Exodus 20:15 - do not steal. cp Ephesians 4:28 – let him who stole, steal no longer.
- Exodus 20:12 “honour your father and your mother”. cp Ephesians 6:1,2 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right; and Paul then quotes "honour your father and mother"
- Leviticus 19:17 "you shall not hate your brother in your heart". cp Eph 4:2,3 bearing with one another in love
- Etc etc
Becoming familiar with the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures, esp the instructions given in those later epistles, is probably our best guide.
What about the Holy Spirit’s role now, regarding guidance?
(1) Enlightenment of the Scriptures - not so much to do with what decisions we might face, but rather the Lord’s guidance as we read His word (eg – 1 Corinthians 2 – the Spirit searches the deep things of God; and the things of God – including the Scriptures - are spiritually discerned)
(2) The Spirit at work in us, guiding us
Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
“ both to will and to do” – a difficult phrase to translate and unravel.
New Living Translation - For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power (to energein) to do what pleases him.
- "energy" type Greek words are regularly associated with the working of the Holy Spirit.
eg, Ephesians 1:19,20 power toward us who believe, according to the WORKING of His mighty power, which He WORKED in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
The same power, working in us, giving us the desire and the power to do God's will - guidance and strength through God's Spirit at work in us.
Therefore, we read "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit" (Eph 4:30) by doing the wrong things listed there.
NEXT WEEK……. More of what Paul’s later epistles, especially, have to say about the guidance of the Holy Spirit today. We’ll focus a bit more on some of those big decisions we have to make in our lives.
(Note: This is just a summary of the points covered. There is greater detail in the audio message).
No.40 The Holy Spirit Today - a Guide - Pt.1
The last few studies, we have been considering some of the roles of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer today. So far, we’ve looked at the roles of the Spirit being an Enabler and a Revealer of Truth. In the previous study, regarding His work of revealing, we spent some time looking at various portions of Scripture, but especially 1 Corinthians chapter 2, where we saw some important principles about the Spirit’s work of revealing the God’s truth:
(1) v.11 – no one knows the things/thoughts of God except the Spirit of God, who dwells within us (v.12); and
(2) v.14 – the things of God are spiritually discerned/understood – not merely by limited human reasoning alone.
In this study, I’d like us to focus on another of the main roles of the Holy Spirit – that of being a Guide to the believer.
Let’s start by reminding ourselves of a role that Christ had when He walked the earth.
READ John 14:1-6 … 16-18 paraclete
After His ascension, the Spirit was given - a Paraclete (and all which that entails)
Note John 14:16 – “another” paraclete. Christ Himself fulfilled these roles when with them, and then was going to send "another" paraclete. The disciples (the twelve, and others) looked to Him for guidance, comfort, counsel, help, etc.
A reminder of the word Paraclete; this is a word and a role that encompasses a broad range of meanings. Note the variance in translations:
KJV, ASV– Comforter; NIV 2011 – Advocate; Amplified Bible – adds a few extra words - Intercessor, Strengthener
NKJV – Helper; RSV, NIV 1984 – Counsellor
“Parakletos” includes all those ideas of a comforter, an advocate, an intercessor (one who speaks on another person’s behalf), and also includes ideas of being an advisor, an encourager. However we are currently focussing our thoughts on the aspect of the Holy Spirit being a helper, and a counsellor (one who offers counsel, or advice). (as per NKJV and NIV translations of 14:16)
Going back further and thinking about how God guided His people in earlier times, in the OT, God showed people His will and guided them in a variety of ways:
- sometimes guidance came directly from God as He appeared in a human form
- sometimes appeared to people in visions
- sometimes by angels (messengers)
- in the wilderness the pillar of cloud guided the people towards the promised land
- sometimes via urim and thummim (two stones used in making 50/50 or yes/no decisions), like drawing lots
- most commonly, though, His will was made known via prophets, and through the written word of God, given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. On occasions, God's will was even made known via direct guidance of the Holy Spirit, especially upon the leaders of the nation, such as King David and King Saul, but even they were guided in their lifetime by prophets such as Samuel, Gad and Nathan as well.
Read Deuteronomy 4:5-10
(v.7 – NIV “gods”. Probably a better translation here than “God”)
The people are about to enter the promised land. Moses, under the inspiration of the Spirit, delivers his final address specific to that generation.
The people had the written word of the Law to guide them. In that context we read how their God was near and would be there with them, and listen to their requests.
Let’s see a similar passage in Philippians ch 4
READ Philippians 4:5b-7 - a later epistle of Paul
This passage mentions some of what we just read in Deuteronomy 4. Our God is near; we may pray for anything, as the Israelites of old were able to ask for anything.
In Deuteronomy 4:5,6 the premise is that the people needed to observe the Scriptures. Would God ever have granted the requests of the people if the request was contrary to His revealed word? No, and it is the same today.
Often people pray for things and ask for guidance in ways that are contrary to what is revealed truth for this dispensation. Eg, demanding miracles be done, quoting the Scripture from John 14:13 –“If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” – a prayer that was applicable to the 12 disciples in the Acts Period, not the Christian of today.
Likewise, well-meaning believers often look at the ways God revealed His will to people in the OT and, thinking that He will provide guidance in the same way today. Let us remember that:
(1) overt workings of the Spirit went hand in hand with God’s dealing with Israel;
(2) those miraculous forms of guidance were mainly to do with the outworking of God’s plans on a national level, ie, for His nation Israel, not at a merely individual level.
Now that the nation of Israel no longer has that special position, the overt signs of guidance have also ceased (at the very least, they are not the normal mode of operation, anyway – who are we to restrict God?)
In essence, in terms of God’s guidance today, there are:
- no more appearances to people in visions (cp. Numbers 12:6 If there be a prophet among you – i.e Israel -, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.)
- no more appearances by angels (spiritual messengers)
- anything like a pillar of cloud, showing us where God would have us live, for example
- spiritual guidance via the drawing of lots or the consulting the urim and thummim
- no more prophets speaking the inspired Word of God not previously revealed.
However, like the people of OT times, we do have the written word of God, originally given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Essentially, from Moses' time onwards, people had the written word of God to guide them - and we still have it, and we are told to consult it.
The Scriptures were given through the Holy Spirit, thus should be our primary guide. Any extra guidance we may receive from the Holy Spirit today will always be in accordance with the Scriptures - a set of guidelines already available to us.
Note also Deuteronomy 4:9,10 –
v.9 - diligently keep … and teach them – ie the law at work
v.10 – emphasis on “My words”
Compare this with 2 Timothy 3:14-17
v.15 – learned from childhood from mother and grandmother (2 Tim 1:5 - Eunice and Lois)
cp Deuteronomy 4:9 – teach them to your children and your grandchildren
v.16,17 We already have the scriptures for much of the guidance we need.
In fact, from Moses' time onwards, the people had a written guide on how to conduct their daily walk before God. Do we ourselves use the Scriptures this way?
Having the Scriptures and not using them as a guide, is a bit like when Christ walked the earth. At that time, He performed miracles and signs. The Pharisees, etc. rejected Him, and then asked for signs, which were then not given.
Matt 15:29-31 the Lord healed great multitudes
Matt 15:32-39 the feeding of the 4000
Next verse - Matt 16:1-4 Pharisees and Sadducees - "show us a sign"
"no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah (a ref to his death and resurrection)"
I.e. - you've already been given signs but you didn't believe
The point is, we already have the written guidance. Do we actually use it to learn God's will, or do we just say “I believe the Bible”, but not consult it and still say “I need a sign from God”?
This idea of how we are to be guided by the Scriptures comes up a few times
READ Deuteronomy 29:29 – “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law”.
In addition to the sacrificial laws re the tabernacle and priesthood, there were many instructions that were to provide guidance for everyday life … most of which are actually quite consistent with what we read in the later epistles of Paul:
- Exodus 20:15 - do not steal. cp Ephesians 4:28 – let him who stole, steal no longer.
- Exodus 20:12 “honour your father and your mother”. cp Ephesians 6:1,2 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right; and Paul then quotes "honour your father and mother"
- Leviticus 19:17 "you shall not hate your brother in your heart". cp Eph 4:2,3 bearing with one another in love
- Etc etc
Becoming familiar with the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures, esp the instructions given in those later epistles, is probably our best guide.
What about the Holy Spirit’s role now, regarding guidance?
(1) Enlightenment of the Scriptures - not so much to do with what decisions we might face, but rather the Lord’s guidance as we read His word (eg – 1 Corinthians 2 – the Spirit searches the deep things of God; and the things of God – including the Scriptures - are spiritually discerned)
(2) The Spirit at work in us, guiding us
Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
“ both to will and to do” – a difficult phrase to translate and unravel.
New Living Translation - For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power (to energein) to do what pleases him.
- "energy" type Greek words are regularly associated with the working of the Holy Spirit.
eg, Ephesians 1:19,20 power toward us who believe, according to the WORKING of His mighty power, which He WORKED in Christ when He raised Him from the dead.
The same power, working in us, giving us the desire and the power to do God's will - guidance and strength through God's Spirit at work in us.
Therefore, we read "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit" (Eph 4:30) by doing the wrong things listed there.
NEXT WEEK……. More of what Paul’s later epistles, especially, have to say about the guidance of the Holy Spirit today. We’ll focus a bit more on some of those big decisions we have to make in our lives.